Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 3, February 15 (Tuesday)

Today we headed to the small30-family village of Porvenir. It's about 12 kilometers from Leon, but takes about 40 minutes due to the poor condition of the road and it is a completely different world. Despite being so close to Leon, it is complete village life in this community. We visited the school first. 

We are also traveling with a group from various rotary clubs in the US who are attemping to best donate money to this village. They plan to donate funds for daily breakfast at this school. Dr. Mick Godkin, the director of International Medical Education at UMass Medical School is also with this group  While the details of this plan were being discussed, we had an intense soccer (futbol) game with the children.

Moving on, we visited the local webmaster (yesthere is a webmaster) He is obviously more well off than others in the village. We discussed how to best use the donated computers in the classroom with him. This ended our short visit to Portovenir. We had a nice lunch break at the beach and then went to visit a small wheelchair factory.

There are 8 employees and the wheelchairs are made with local parts. The wheels resemble bicycle wheels in order to allow better travel on dirt roads. The program is largely financed by the Polus Center in Massachusetts. We then headed back to our hostel for some some intense salsa lessons led by Juan-Carlos!

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